Deirdre Hammaker
Owner, Coach, Strategist, Author, Advocate, Problem-Solver, Mom

Deirdre is a mom of triplets, yes triplets!
Her youngest son Ben (well, technically by one minute... haha) was discovered to be on the autism spectrum at 1 years old. Having multiples has given Deirdre a unique perspective to experience and witness typical and atypical development side-by-side. She will be the first to tell you our special needs kids are very smart and more like other kids than you know. Deirdre has applied these observations to interventions and passionately pursues helping families with early learners to adults in transition, get immediate and productive support.
passion and experience
With a Biology degree and Wonder Woman administrative and organizational skills, Deirdre has:
Over 19 years experience (as of 2003) continuous learning in special needs arena.
Cross-coordination of multi-program needs-based public support plans.
Generalized learning across settings and supports to accelerate goal achievement.
Successful sourcing of simple, free, and/or inspiring professional resources.
Solutions-oriented with a strength to better every situation immediately.
Data-driven analysis with focus on situational best practices.
Proactive and engaged medical coordination for cancer and autism.
Fluency with understanding insurance coverage and workarounds.
Mastery writing SMART goals for IEPs and Waiver plans.
Deirdre's MISSION
To make autism easier.
August '22 - Charting LifeCourse Training, Person-Centered Framework and Planning Tools, Parents Place of Maryland, 8hr Zoom Training Small Group
February '22 - Procurement's Priorities for 2022: Go From Survive to Thrive, The Hackett Group, 1hr Zoom
January '22 - National Capital Pathways to Employment, Autism Speaks, 3hr Webinar
February '21 - The Color of Autism Parent Training, 12 hr Zoom Small Group
April '19 - Honestly Autism Day, Baltimore-Chesapeake Autism Society and Baltimore County Public Schools, 8 hr Conference